Dr. Aviv Solodoch

4 February, 2024

Dr. Aviv Solodoch

Institute of Earth Sciences



Hiking, History


Dr. Solodoch is recruiting students to his lab


Undergrad/Msc/Phd/Postdoc research


We research physical processes in the oceans and seas, including circulation, waves, transport, mixing, air-sea interaction, and ocean-climate interactions. The investigated processes span the spectrum of scales between meters or less (e.g. mixing, waves, and gas and heat exchange between the sea and the atmosphere) to the global overturning circulation in the oceans. The interactions between ocean physical processes at different scales are some of our principal foci. We employ a variety of research methods, with similar emphasis on numerical/theoretical modeling, and on marine observations/experiments. At sea we use creative solutions for measuring and shedding light on physical processes, including via use of drones and by measuring currents and waves through their optical signatures.

