Outstanding staff

Senior Academic Staff
General Description/Explanation
An outstanding teacher is one who is included in the top 15% in the rankings for the staff of that faculty. If the number of respondents for that teacher’s courses is lower than 17, the teacher cannot be included among the ranks of the outstanding teachers, even if they do meet this condition. The score is calculated based on students’ evaluations on the question of “general satisfaction with the teacher” throughout all of the teacher’s courses in the fall and spring semesters.
List of Outstanding Teachers for 2020-2021 Academic Year
Dr. Tamar Avin-Wittenberg Genetics, Life Sciences (Biology), Plant Sciences (Botany)
Dr. Yaron Bromberg Physics
Professor Doron Gazit Physics
Professor Ori Gidron Chemistry
Professor Rachel Green Genetics, Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Ehud de Shalit Mathematics
Professor Michael Hochman Mathematics
Dr. Roie Knaanie Programming Languages
Professor Liran Carmel Life Sciences (Biology)
Dr. Cy Maor Mathematics
Ms. Hilla Moshieff Programming Languages
Professor Norman Metanis Chemistry
Dr. Noa Nitzan Mathematics
Professor Zlil Sela Mathematics
Dr. Michael Smolkin Physics
Professor Chloe Perin Mathematics
Professor Ariel Chipman Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Raz Kupferman Mathematics
Professor Ron Shaar Geology, Earth Sciences
List of Outstanding Teachers for 2019-2020 Academic Year
Dr. Tamar Avin-Wittenberg Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Guy Bloch Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Nissim Ben-Arie Life Sciences (Biology
Professor Nissim Benvenisty Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Roi Baer Chemistry
Professor Nir Barnea Physics
Dr. Yves Godin Mathematics
Dr. Ori Gidron Chemistry
Professor Amatzia Genin Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Dror Hawlena Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Daniel Harries Chemistry
Professor Yitzchak Tuchman Physics
Dr. Roi Knaanie Programming Languages
Professor Liran Carmel Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Baruch Meerson Physics
Professor Yaakov Nahmias Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Assaf Friedler Chemistry
Dr. Chloe Perin Mathematics
Professor Ariel Chipman Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Raz Kupferman Mathematics
Professor Avi Bino Chemistry
Professor Rachel Green Life Sciences (Biology), Plant Sciences (Botany)
Professor Ori Katz Applied Physics
Professor Uriel Levy Applied Physics
Ms. Hilla Moshieff Programming Languages
Professor Norman Metanis Chemistry
Dr. Yonatan Tzur Life Sciences (Biology), Genetics
Dr. Michael Smolkin Physics
Dr. Chloe Perin Mathematics
List of Outstanding Teachers for 2018-2019 Academic Year
Dr. Tamar Avin-Wittenberg Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Guy Bloch Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Nissim Ben-Arie Cell & Developmental Biology, Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Nissim Benvenisty Genetics, Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Roi Baer Chemistry
Professor Michael Berger Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Nir Barnea Physics
Dr. Yves Godin Mathematics
Dr. Ori Gidron Chemistry
Professor Amatzia Genin Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat, Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Dror Hawlena Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Daniel Harries Chemistry
Professor Yitzchak Tuchman Physics
Dr. Roi Knaanie Programming Languages
Professor Liran Carmel Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Baruch Meerson Physics
Professor Yaakov Nahmias Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Assaf Friedler Chemistry
Dr. Chloe Perin Mathematics
Professor Ariel Chipman Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, Life Sciences (Biology)
Professor Raz Kupferman Mathematics
Junior Staff and External Teachers
Outstanding Teachers in the Faculty for 2020-2021 Academic Year
Mr. Haggai Eyal Geology, Earth Sciences
Ms. Nufar Allouche Chemistry
Ms. Orian Elimelech Chemistry
Mr. Eli Engelberg Physics
Mr. Nir Band Life Sciences (Biology)
Ms. Corinne Best Life Sciences (Biology)
Ms. Tchelet Goldberg Life Sciences (Biology)
Ms. Dana Grunhaus Chemistry
Mr. Yoel Grinshpon Mathematics
Mr. Ronen Weiss Physics
Mr. Ohad Vilk Physics
Ms. Ruth Viner Life Sciences (Biology)
Mr. Gabriel Zini Physics, Applied Physics
Mr. Eyal Seelig Mathematics
Mr. Yedidya Lior Applied Physics
Ms. Aviya Lidar Chemistry
Ms. Reem Mousa Chemistry
Mr. GIlad Nahari Chemistry
Mr. Alex Naiman Applied Physics
Mr. Maor Siboni Physics
Dr. Moriah Sigron Mathematics
Mr. Tzoor Plotnikov Mathematics
Mr. Noam Ralbag Chemistry
Mr. Yisrael Rappaport Life Sciences (Biology)
Mr. Or Shalom Mathematics
Ms. Zohar Shpilt Chemistry
Outstanding Teachers in the Faculty for 2019-2020 Academic Year
Mr. Daniel Ofner Mathematics
Ms. Orian Elimelech Chemistry
Mr. Eli Engelberg Physics
Mr. Oren Becker Mathematics
Ms. Yael Baruch Chemistry
Mr. Tom Dvir Physics
Ms. Rebecca Dardashti Chemistry
Mr. Gabriel Zini Physics, Applied Physics
Ms. Roni Zaken-Galili Life Sciences (Biology)
Mr. Lior Yanovski Mathematics
Mr. Amitai Yuval Mathematics
Ms. Ayelet Yashar Physics
Mr. Tom Israeli Physics
Mr. Yedidya Lior Applied Physics
Mr. Guy Mayer Chemistry
Mr. Nimrod Madrer Life Sciences (Biology)
Mr. GIlad Nahari Chemistry
Dr. Shulamit Solomon Mathematics
Dr. Sigron, Moriah Mathematics
Ms. Racheli Silver Mathematics
Mr. Naftali Smith Physics
Mr. Dan Sarni Life Sciences (Biology)
Mr. Rappaport, Yisrael Life Sciences (Biology)
Mr. Or Shalom Mathematics
Mr. Asaf Shemesh Chemistry
Outstanding Teachers in the Faculty for 2018-2019 Academic Year
Ms. Maayan Agron-Raam Institute of Life Sciences
Ms. Sivan Yuran Institute of Chemistry
Ms. Ayelet Yashar Racah Institute of Physics
Ms. Mor Cohen Institute of Life Sciences
Ms. Maya Millier Institute of Chemistry
Dr. Sigron, Moriah Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Mr. Muhammad Abu Radi Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Mr. Amir Algom Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Mr. Eli Engelberg Racah Institute of Physics
Mr. Moshe Armon Institute of Earth Studies
Mr. Pavel Giterman Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Mr. Yoel Grinsphon Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Mr. Lior Yanovski Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Mr. Tom Israeli Racah Institute of Physics
Mr. Guy Mayer Institute of Chemistry
Mr. Gadi Mintz Racah Institute of Physics
Mr. Gilad Nahari Institute of Chemistry
Mr. Elihu Olami Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Mr. Anner Paldor Institute of Earth Sciences
Mr. Michael Chapman Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Mr. Nimrod Shaham Racah Institute of Physics
Mr. Asaf Shemesh Institute of Chemistry