Studying science is one of the most fascinating topics today. Scientific development touches on a wide range of environmental, health and technology issues, and is a lever for the prosperity and quality of life of human society in general and in Israel in particular. The degree in science is a first step in dealing daily with new challenges and it rewards its owner not only as a profession, but as an enriching knowledge, broadens horizons, develops research abilities, provides tools for critical analysis and additional skills required today in a dynamic and changing work environment.
The Faculty's location on one campus increases interdisciplinary collaborations, expanding research horizons and breakthroughs. This trend is reflected in our challenging curricula, which provide unique scholarships to support outstanding students.

At the forefront of research

Latest News


Dov Moran

8 April, 2025

The Faculty of Science

Is happy to invite the faculty’s researchers and research students to

a very special lecture on

How to Grow Companies from Idea to Reality

given by Dov Moran

Israeli businessman, electrical engineer,


The first workshop in the “Build up your career”

18 April, 2024


The first workshop in the “Build up your career” workshop series, took place Tuesday and was a huge success.

We spoke about first marketing myself, impressions and how to make a good one, networking, and preparing for interviews.

Thanks to everyone that joined and looking forward to the second workshop that will be held at the end of May.

For further details and to sign up, please visit:

Get to know the researchers


Dr. Aviv Solodoch

4 February, 2024

Dr. Aviv Solodoch

Institute of Earth Sciences



Hiking, History


Dr. Solodoch is recruiting students to his lab


Undergrad/Msc/Phd/Postdoc research


ronen gottesman

Dr. Ronen Gottesman

8 June, 2023

Dr. Ronen Gottesman

Institute of Chemistry



Scuba-diving and watch collecting

Prizes / Scholarship

Azrieli Early Career Faculty Fellowship

Dr. Gottesman is recruiting students to his lab

Msc,phD and Post-Doc


Dr. Nathan Steiger

29 November, 2022

Dr. Nathan Steiger

Institute of Earth Sciences

Climate, Hydroclimate, Paleoclimate


Climate, Hydroclimate, Paleoclimate

Dr. Steiger is recruiting students to his lab

Dr. Steiger is looking for students interested in studying the causes of droughts and pluvials, the nature of climate variability through geologic time, and the climate of exoplanets.