Resources in the Natural Sciences and Nano Center
Procedure for operating equipment as part of pooling resources
Each device will be responsible for ensuring that the proposed procedure is implemented.
Each device will have a logbook in which the operating dates of each user of the device will be recorded, starting with the activation of the resource collection program.
Billing for use will be done in one of the following ways:
1. The use of the device will be charged a fee that reflects only direct expenses (e.g. gases consumed during operation) + payment for the technician's time for the hours he actually operates the device and is funded by research budgets + service contract (where given part of the operation will be done by research students Who will take a course and be trained to work by the person in charge of the device and will be found qualified to do so).
2. The use of the device will be charged a fee that reflects direct expenses (e.g. gases consumed during operation) + payment for the technician time for the hours he actually operates the device and is funded by research budgets + service contract + calculation of future wear and tear.
For a minor malfunction (less than $ 5,000) and for consumable parts, users will pay according to the amount of use of the device as recorded in a blogbook.
For a serious malfunction, users will pay (according to the amount of use of the device as recorded in a blogbook) an amount equal to 50% of the cost (in charge 1 - collection between participants charge 2 - out of the money accumulated), and the faculty + the unit where the device is located will pay the remaining 50% ( In some cases the faculty will seek additional assistance from the university administration).
When a fault is caused due to incorrect use of the device, the user (his instructor) will be charged for repairing the fault.
The work arrangement will be based on the registration time (FIRST COME FIRST SERVED)
The cost of use will be the same for all members of the university
Each user of equipment as part of a resource pool will receive a copy of this procedure and undertake to follow it.
Information file - Natural Sciences + Nano