Amirim: | Faculty of Sciences


About the Amirim Program:
The Amirim-Nature Program is a special curriculum for outstanding students that are interested in expanding their education in an interdisciplinary setting and to develop their skills with the help of the Faculty’s scientists and teachers. The participating students are required to study one class as a minimum in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, although it is also possible to include interdisciplinary studies in departments of other faculties (for example, humanities or social science).
The program can be combined with any department within the Faculty of Natural Sciences, with the exception of the Etgar Chemistry class.
Who should take the Amirim Program?
Researchers today have to have a broad research perspective, they have to specialize in many subjects, they have to master the tools of analysis and research from various disciplines and they have to be familiar with various ways of thinking. Our curriculum offers exposure to various fields of study and disciplines, it broadens horizons and develops creative thinking.
As part of the program, weekly meet-ups are held with leading researchers in the Faculty. These meet-ups are a golden opportunity to deepen the acquaintance with the researchers and their studies, thereby offering broad, extraordinary enrichment - far beyond the material learned in the courses themselves.
Besides, upon completion of their studies, the graduate’s diplomas are going to note that they completed their studies within the Amirim Nature Program and the names of the departments taken will be listed. Graduates of this program are held in high esteem in the academic world; they are offered curricula for their more advanced degrees in accordance with their accomplishments, including the option for studies in a direct path towards a Ph.D.
The Amirim-Nature program comes with a full study scholarship.