Prerequisites for advancement from one year to the next:
The prerequisites within the Program are the inclusion of the student in the “Dean’s List” (of outstanding students). The list of candidates, from which the Dean is going to compile the Faculty’s Dean List, will be calculated based on all the previous year’s grades in the main computer at the time it is being calculated. This list is going to include only students that achieved grades in the courses written in their curriculum. The minimum for the calculation is 45 credit points. Courses, where the student has received a credit - for example, based on studies in a different institution, will not be included in the above points quota. Students that have in the past year received an F, or who do not have an “Exemption” from English studies, will not be eligible to be included in the Dean’s List.
Students that have completed their studies toward a degree as required, and that may be eligible to be included in the Dean’s List base3d on their final year of studies toward their degree (third year, depending on their curriculum), but that do not have the minimum points quota, will apply in writing to the Teaching Secretariat and Faculty Students during the appeals period.
Students that have been awarded the Rector’s Prize or the Dean’s Prize based on their achievements in their first year are welcome to join the Amirim Program in their second year.
Students in the program are eligible for an Amirim scholarship during their first, second and third year of studies in graduate studies, subject to their meeting the following conditions, depending on their school year:
First-year students -
Fulfilling the prerequisites for acceptance in the program.
Duty to be present at the Amirim workshop.
Second-year students -
Inclusion in the Dean’s List based on first-year achievements.
Duty to be present at the Amirim workshop.
Submission of a one-page document, signed by the tutor, in which the tutor’s name, subject, purpose of the work and a general work plan for the research project. The document shall be submitted no later than the last day of the second semester of this year.
Third-year students -
Inclusion in the Dean’s List based on second-year achievements.
Duty to be present at the Amirim workshop.
Submission of the research project no later than September 30th of that year.
Research project:
During the third year, each Amirim student has to carry out a project which will be research by nature. The project will be of the student’s choice. The project awards 10 credit points.
The project work is an independent study task of an Amirim student, under the guidance of a tutor out of the faculty teaching staff. This work has to be unrelated to any paid occupation.
The work shall be written in a scientific work format, to the standards of a scientific paper in the field of knowledge.
The project paper shall be submitted by September 30 of the third year of studies toward the degree.
The project counselor shall determine the project’s grade after the paper has been submitted.
An “A” (95 and above) will only be awarded after the paper has been examined by another teacher and subject to his confirmation of the “A” grade.
The research project grade will be included in the student’s general average calculation and under the Amirim Nature Department.
The prerequisites within the Program are the inclusion of the student in the “Dean’s List” (of outstanding students). The list of candidates, from which the Dean is going to compile the Faculty’s Dean List, will be calculated based on all the previous year’s grades in the main computer at the time it is being calculated. This list is going to include only students that achieved grades in the courses written in their curriculum. The minimum for the calculation is 45 credit points. Courses, where the student has received a credit - for example, based on studies in a different institution, will not be included in the above points quota. Students that have in the past year received an F, or who do not have an “Exemption” from English studies, will not be eligible to be included in the Dean’s List.
Students that have completed their studies toward a degree as required, and that may be eligible to be included in the Dean’s List base3d on their final year of studies toward their degree (third year, depending on their curriculum), but that do not have the minimum points quota, will apply in writing to the Teaching Secretariat and Faculty Students during the appeals period.
Students that have been awarded the Rector’s Prize or the Dean’s Prize based on their achievements in their first year are welcome to join the Amirim Program in their second year.
Students in the program are eligible for an Amirim scholarship during their first, second and third year of studies in graduate studies, subject to their meeting the following conditions, depending on their school year:
First-year students -
Fulfilling the prerequisites for acceptance in the program.
Duty to be present at the Amirim workshop.
Second-year students -
Inclusion in the Dean’s List based on first-year achievements.
Duty to be present at the Amirim workshop.
Submission of a one-page document, signed by the tutor, in which the tutor’s name, subject, purpose of the work and a general work plan for the research project. The document shall be submitted no later than the last day of the second semester of this year.
Third-year students -
Inclusion in the Dean’s List based on second-year achievements.
Duty to be present at the Amirim workshop.
Submission of the research project no later than September 30th of that year.
Research project:
During the third year, each Amirim student has to carry out a project which will be research by nature. The project will be of the student’s choice. The project awards 10 credit points.
The project work is an independent study task of an Amirim student, under the guidance of a tutor out of the faculty teaching staff. This work has to be unrelated to any paid occupation.
The work shall be written in a scientific work format, to the standards of a scientific paper in the field of knowledge.
The project paper shall be submitted by September 30 of the third year of studies toward the degree.
The project counselor shall determine the project’s grade after the paper has been submitted.
An “A” (95 and above) will only be awarded after the paper has been examined by another teacher and subject to his confirmation of the “A” grade.
The research project grade will be included in the student’s general average calculation and under the Amirim Nature Department.